Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dear Theseus...

I'm the youngest kid in my family and I'm considered the disappointment. How can I make my dad proud of me?

Befuddled Brother

Dear Brother,
It's pretty simple. You gotta set your sights on something seemingly unobtainable. Then daddy's like "oh son, nobody can do that". And then you go and do it and BAM! Daddy is shell-shocked, the rest of the town is like "omfg your son just did that? I thought he was stupid or something" And you'll sail triumphantly home to his waiting arms and the forgiveness he will surely throw at your feet.

Just, uh, make sure you remember to do everything you told him you'd do if you came back victorious. I forgot the change the sails on my ship and...well, it's not called the Aegean sea for nothin'.