Friday, September 25, 2009

Dear Aphrodite...

I have a problem with my husband. He has an important civic position that requires him to go on "business trips" constantly. He has been gone for what seems like a decade on this latest trip and the whole time I am home, raising our son, while he travels around doing gods know what. To make matters worse, now I am being hit on by other men who claim they would be better husbands and not be away so much. And my elderly father-in-law is here, too, making more demands on me.

I am so distraught that I have taken up sewing as a hobby but tear my work up every day from the frustration! What can I do, wait another ten years?

In Tears in Ithaca

In Tears--

Honey, he's been gone for ten years. GET OVER HIM! How do you know he's been on "business trips" this whole time? For all you know he's playing house with some tramp from Thrinacia. My advice is simple: marry one of those nice gentlemen that are knocking on the door. At least they've been around. But if you're SO desperate to wait, stick to that knitting hobby. It's constructive.

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